Welcome to website of The RVN Former Police Officers

The National Police Academy was established on March 12, 1966 by Decree No. 416ND/NV signed by Chairman of The Central Executive Commitee.

The South Vietnamese stronghold of Saigon falls to the Viet Cong on April 30, 1975. The South Vietnamese was forces to be collapsed, the National Police Academy was also collapsed. After the incident of April 30, 1975, most former police officers have experienced a painful situation; some died in Communist prison camps. others slandered themselves on the high seas, deep forests because of seeking for freedom, some others have been settled in different countries.

Before April 1975, The National Police Academy had trained the National Guard Officers, full of literature and art; which has equipped us with enough knowledge and skills to fulfill the task of national protection and security. National Police Academy was a training center of National Police Officers; annually National Police Academy trained 500 national police officers. National Police Academy has trained 12 class terms. Total police officers who graduated from National Police Academy is about 6000 officers. The graduates have been trained about Law, Criminal Law, military, IT Technologies, Data Collection, Data Transfer and how to get rid of corrupt practices. After graduation, the national police officers have been appointed to important positions and provide services nationwide.

Today, this website is meeting place of former police officers, revered masters; mutual assistance and sharing the joys and sorrows in life and review what to remember and to love. This website is also a source of memories that inculcate cherished memories of friendship of trainers and police officers.

Thank you for visiting website of formaer National Police Officers.

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